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Do Discounts and Free Shipping Impact Online Sales?
The data says YES. That’s right. Discounts and free shipping offers aren’t just casual perks—they can boost your sales and win over new...

What is M-Commerce? + How to Use M-Commerce for Your Brand
Today, we’re talking all things m-commerce. M-commerce (mobile commerce) is a subcategory of e-commerce (electronic commerce). Think of...

12 Things Your Website Needs to Convert to Online Sales
Nearly 30% of small businesses do not have their own website. Even though social media platforms like Instagram facilitate in-app...

The Ins and Outs of Instagram Reels Shopping
Finally! Shopping has arrived on Reels. The roll out of this feature started in December of 2020, but like most Instagram features - it’s...

How Your Online Business Needs to Prep for the Holiday Shopping Season
After reading the title of this post, you might be thinking “Whoa whoa whoa. It’s not even Halloween yet!”. But according to NBC News, shopp
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