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How to Auto - Post Your Instagram Stories for Free

Social media scheduling apps are essential for consistency on your social channels. Our favorite schedulers are Later and Planoly - we use them for our socials and for our clients' socials. Downsides? Both apps cost money, and they don't allow you to autopost carousels or Instagram Stories. This makes you have to stop your work flow to ensure your stories get published at the right time. But no more! Thanks to Facebook Business Suite, you can now schedule your Instagram Stories to auto - post and not think about them again. Here's how.

1. First, go to, and make sure you're logged into the account where you want to post your Story. Click "Create Story" in the top right corner of the screen.

2. Select if you want your Story to post to your Instagram, Facebook, or both. Then click "Add Media".

3. Select up to 10 photos and videos, and then click "Open".

4. At this stage you can add text to your story - customizing the size, color, font, and placement.

5. You can also add Stickers to your story.

6. After you've added any text and stickers you want, click the small down arrow in the bottom right corner and then select "Schedule Story".

7. Pick the time and date you want your Story to auto-post, and then click "Save".

8. Now click "Schedule Story" in the bottom right corner.

9. Now you'll be able to see all of your scheduled stories in the "Scheduled" tab of the Business Suite.

Your story will now auto-post while you get other things done. No stopping. No setting an alarm to remember. No checking the clock. Perfect! Another big win to Facebook Business Suite? You can also schedule your carousels to auto-post on Instagram, another feature Later and Planoly lack. If you want to learn how to do that, read our blog post How to Auto - Publish Your Instagram Carousel Posts For Free. Remember, the more you can remove from your daily to-do list, the more you can feel in control of your day. Take advantage of this incredible free tool Facebook has to offer and check manually publishing Instagram Stories and Carousels off of your list.


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